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The Full Story


Business Improvement and Growth (BIG) is a management consulting firm that helps small and medium-sized businesses achieve their goals. Our team of experts will work with you to analyze your financial statements, in addition to specific analyses like cost analysis, marketing analysis, expense analysis and profit analysis to help you make informed decisions about your business. Additionally, we offer assistance in budgeting and forecasting plus business plan writing for an extra fee. We also offer monthly consultations to discuss your progress and provide technology and capital analysis. BIG works with many industries, providing hands-on assistance towards their development and growth.

Business Discussion


To help small and medium-sized businesses maximize their profit by tapping into available resources to become BIG businesses.


  • To be the most trusted and respected financial partner for our clients, employees, and communities.

  • To empower people and businesses to achieve their financial goals and dreams.

  • To create a more inclusive and sustainable financial system for everyone.

  • To provide innovative and personalized financial solutions that enhance the lives of our customers.

  • To be the leading provider of financial education and wellness for all.

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